European Journal of Politics and Gender

European Journal of Politics and Gender


Publication date: Jul 2020

ISNN: 2515-1088

Bristol University Press

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The European Journal of Politics and Gender (EJPG) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes international, cutting-edge research in the broad field of politics and gender. EJPG is the flagship journal of the European Conference on Politics and Gender (ECPG).

EJPG is firmly embedded in global politics and gender scholarship, its scope is not limited to Europe. EJPG aims to advance gender and politics research in all its diversity. To this end it publishes Research Articles in the wide field of gender and politics, including a variety of geographical and thematic foci, methods and epistemological traditions. Contributions may rely on single-country case studies as much as cross-national comparative work or theoretical debates. The core criterion for publication is innovation and rigorous argumentation. Articles must have a clear 'take home message'.

EJPG understands gender as a political phenomenon that shapes power relations. Gender is contextual and is influenced by the intersection of multiple social categories and identities. The processes produce patterns of political inclusion and exclusion that are sometimes immediately visible, but often also hidden. EJPG therefore studies formal and informal components of politics in local, national, transnational and global realms. Subfields encompass, but are not limited to: social movements; representation; political participation; governance; public policy; the European Union; political economy; conflict and development; citizenship; LGBTQI politics; sexuality; and international relations.

EJPG solicits State of the Art pieces, which provide timely analyses of developments in the many subfields of politics and gender. These contributions focus on salient and contemporary themes. What are new research puzzles and dilemmas? Finally, EJPG includes a Gender Updates section, in which short descriptive pieces present data or analyses related to elections, policy changes, and public debates on gender-related issues across Europe. This section is a valuable resource for scholars, students, activists, and practitioners who may use this data for research and interventions in policy and public debate.

For questions and pre-submission enquiries, please contact the editorial team at

Introduction to the themed section: law, harm and depletion through social reproduction
Authors: Rai, Shirin M.; Goldblatt, Beth

THEMED SECTION: Research Articles
Remedying depletion through social reproduction: a critical engagement with the United Nations’ business and human rights framework
Authors: Goldblatt, Beth; Rai, Shirin M.

Redressing harms to migrant domestic workers: global and regional spaces
Author: Mahon, Rianne

Depletion, intersectionality and the limits of social policy: child carers in Mexico City
Authors: Grugel, Jean; Macias, Susana; Rai, Shirin M.

Labour mobility in transnational Europe: between depletion, mitigation and citizenship entitlements harm
Authors: Plomien, Ania; Schwartz, Gregory

Research Articles

Framing symbolic representation: exploring how women’s political presence shapes citizens’ political attitudes
Authors: Verge, Tània; Wiesehomeier, Nina; Espírito-Santo, Ana

Policy evaluation and gender mainstreaming in the European Union: the perfect (mis)match?
Authors: Minto, Rachel; Mergaert, Lut; Bustelo, María

Gender Updates

Violence against women in politics: emerging perspectives, new challenges
Author: Holm, Malin

An overview of policy responses and solutions to violence against women in politics
Author: Bardall, Gabrielle