IPSA Summer School - Singapore


14th Annual IPSA-NUS Summer School for Social Science Research Methods
National University of Singapore
30 June - 11 July 2025 

The 14th Annual IPSA-NUS Summer School for Social Science Research Methods will be held at the National University of Singapore from 30 June to 11 July 2025. The majority of classes will be offered in person on the NUS campus, while some classes will be given virtually.

The Methods School offers a wide variety of basic to advanced courses in quantitative, qualitative, and formal methods, with a focus on both the theory and practice of social science research. Participants receive excellent hands-on training in state-of-the-art methods and techniques from our highly experienced international faculty.

Join us for rigorous training in social science research methods and truly global networking opportunities. Acquire cutting-edge methods skills, meet future collaborators and co-authors, and make new friends with similar research interests from all over the Asia-Pacific, the U.S., Europe, and beyond.

For further details on Methods School courses, instructors, financial assistance, and registration discounts, please visit the school website or contact methods-school@nus.edu.sg.


The Methods School offers intensive training with outstanding international faculty in advanced social science research methods. Participants can choose from the following courses:

One-week courses (17.5 hours):

30 June - 4 July, 2025

Morning 9:00 am -12:30 pm:

Afternoon 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm:

Afternoon 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm:

Qualitative Data Analysis I (On Zoom)

7 - 11 July, 2025

Morning 9:00 am - 12:30 pm:

Afternoon 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm:

Afternoon 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm:

Qualitative Data Analysis 2 (On Zoom)

Two-week courses (35 hours):

30 June - 11 July, 2025

Morning 9:00 am - 12:30 pm:

Afternoon 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm:


Register early as class numbers are strictly limited and courses fill up quickly. Early bird registration officially closes for all courses on 31 March 2025, while normal registration officially closes for all course on 31 May 2025

The 13th IPSA-NUS Annual Summer School for Social Science Research Methods was successfully held at AS1, National University of Singapore (NUS), on 1-12 July 2024. The program featured a diverse range of 12 courses, encompassing both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. Quantitative courses included Regression Analysis, Quantitative Text Analysis I & II, Causal Mediation Analysis, Experimental Methods, Introduction to Data Science, Network Analysis, Panel Data Analysis, Survey Research, and Applied Data Analysis. The 2024 edition expanded its offerings in qualitative research methodologies compared to previous years, with courses such as Research Design in Social Science, Doing Ethnography, and Qualitative Data Analysis I & II. While the summer school was primarily conducted in person, certain courses, such as Qualitative Data Analysis, were made available online to accommodate high participant demand.

The summer school continued to attract a growing number of participants from diverse regions. In 2024, we recorded 321 registrations from academics and non-academics across 19 countries, including Singapore, Australia, Indonesia, Turkey, China, India, Spain, the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, the Netherlands, Poland, England, Taiwan, South Korea, New Zealand, Switzerland, Japan, Norway, Canada, the United States, and Germany.










One-week courses (17.5 hours):

1-5 July 2024

9:00 am-12:30 pm:

1:30-5:00 pm:

Two-week courses (35 hours):

1-12 July 2024

9:00 am-12:30 pm:

1:30-5:00 pm:

8-12 July 2024

9:00 am-12:30 pm:

1:30-5:00 pm:

The 12th Annual IPSA-NUS Summer School for Social Science Research Methods was held at the National University of Singapore from 3-14 July 2023. The 2023 edition was the first in-person summer school organized after the COVID-19 pandemic.  

A total of 12 courses were organized with a mix of qualitative and quantitative research methods. Quantitative research methods courses included Regression Analysis, Quantitative Text Analysis I & II, Quantitative Public Policy I & II, Causal Mediation Analysis, Experimental Methods, Introduction to Data Science, Panel Data Analysis, Survey Research, and Applied Data Analysis. On the other hand, the qualitative research method courses included both Interview and Focus Group Research and Qualitative Data Analysis I & II. While it was an onsite summer school, some courses offered online options; for instance, due to high demand from students, the  Qualitative Data Analysis course offered both online and in-person classes. 

As the travel restriction was lifted, the Methods School was able to attract a large number of participants from various regions. In total, there were 287 academic and non-academic registrations from 19 countries including Singapore, Australia, Indonesia, China, India, Spain, Philippines, Vietnam, Netherlands, Poland, England, Taiwan, Korea, New Zealand, Switzerland, Japan, Norway, Canada, and Germany. There is an increase of 169 registrations in 2023 from the total of 118 registrations in 2022, which accounts for an increase of 143%.  

For more information on Methods School courses and instructors, financial aid, registration discounts, visit our website or contact

Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MethodsSchool



The 11th IPSA-NUS Annual Summer School Social Science Research Methods School was held virtually from 4-15 July 2022, with the aim of improving participants’ knowledge and application of social science research methodologies. Considering travel restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Methods school was once again held online via Zoom.

A total of seven online courses were organized with a mixture of both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. Quantitative research methodology classes included Regression Analysis, Quantitative Text Analysis I & II, Quantitative Public Policy I & II, Network Analysis, and Applied Data Analysis. On the other hand, qualitative research methodology classes comprised both Interview and Focus Group Research and Qualitative Data Analysis I & II.

Despite the pandemic, the methods school managed to recruit a number of participants from different countries, taking a broad range of classes. In total, there were 118 academic and non-academic registrations from 16 countries. In addition, 40 participants took the final exam, with 37 of them scoring B and above. 


One-week courses (17.5 hours):

July 4-8, 2022

9:00 am-12:30 pm:

1:00-4:30 pm:

July 11-15, 2022

9:00 am-12:30 pm:

1:00-4:30 pm:

Two-week courses (35 hours):

July 4-15, 2022

9:00 am-12:30 pm:

1:00-4:30 pm:

The courses are scheduled for either 9:00 am-12:30 pm or 1:00-4:30 pm. Due to the rigour of the coursework, we recommend that participants do not take more than one course per week, and the discount for taking a second one-week course does not apply when morning and afternoon courses from the same week are combined.

English is the language of instruction for all Methods School courses. All participants receive an ungraded certificate of attendance on the last day of the Methods School.

For more information on Methods School courses and instructors, financial aid, registration discounts, visit the Summer School website or contact methods-school@nus.edu.sg.

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The 10th-anniversary edition of the IPSA-NUS Summer School for Social Science Research Methods was held on 5-16 July 2021. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and to allow international participants to attend, the Methods School was held online for the second year in a row.

Having successfully adjusted to the ‘new’ online environment, the Methods School was able to offer 18 basic to advanced, quantitative and qualitative research methods courses, including a completely new course on Computational Models of Social Behavior. This year’s courses were attended by more than 160 participants from all around the globe - from as close as Singapore and Malaysia to as far as Australia, Canada, Norway, and the United States.

The following online courses were offered in 2021:

For more information on Methods School courses and instructors, financial aid, registration discounts, visit our new website or contact methods-school@nus.edu.sg.

Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MethodsSchool

Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MethodsSchool




The 9th Annual IPSA-NUS Summer School for Social Science Research Methods was held on 6-17 July 2020. Organized by the National University of Singapore’s Department of Political Science in cooperation with IPSA and the Methods School was supposed to take place on the NUS campus in Singapore but was moved online due to the COVID-19 pandemic at short notice.

 In spite of this drastic change and the challenges of accommodating participants and instructors from a wide variety of countries and time zones, the Methods School was able to go ahead with 17 online courses, which were attended by participants from all over the Asia-Pacific, North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.

The following online Methods School courses were offered in 2020:

  • Applied Data Analysis (Tobias Hofmann, University of Utah)
  • Case Study Analysis I & II (Cameron Thies, Arizona State University)
  • Causal Mediation Analysis (Andrew Li, Central European University)
  • Experimental Methods (Jason Barabas and Jennifer Jerit, Stoney Brook University)
  • Interviews & Focus Group Research (Max Bergman, University of Basel)
  • Mixed Methods (Max Bergman, University of Basel)
  • Network Analysis I & II (Adam Henry, University of Arizona)
  • Panel Data Analysis (Andrew Li, Central European University)
  • Qualitative Data Analysis I & II (Marie-Hélène Paré, Open University of Catalonia)
  • Quantitative Public Policy Analysis I & II (Bruno Cautres, Science Po Paris)
  • Quantitative Text Analysis I & II (Dani Madrid-Morales, University of Houston)
  • Regression Analysis (Katsunori Seki, University of Tsukuba, and Guy Whitten, Texas A&M University)

The excellent feedback the Methods School and the instructors received for these online courses shows that the Methods School offers outstand and affordable training to anyone interested in quantitative or qualitative social science research methods - online or offline.

For more information about the Methods School, please visit https://fass.nus.edu.sg/methods-school/ or contact methods-school@nus.edu.sg.



8th Annual IPSA-NUS Summer School for Social Science Research Methods
National University of Singapore
July 1-12, 2019

The 8th Annual IPSA-NUS Summer School for Social Science Research Methods took place at the National University of Singapore, on 1-12 July 2019.

Having established itself as a permanent, first-tier fixture on the international methods training calendar in previous years, this year's Methods School grew the school's international alumni network to now over 1,000 scholars and professionals. Bringing together participants from all over the Asia-Pacific, Africa, the Americas, and Europe, the Methods School continued to provide excellent opportunities for social and intellectual exchange that go well beyond two weeks of intensive methods training.

The Methods School offered the following one- and two-week courses in 2019:

  • Applied Data Analysis (Tobias Hofmann, University of Utah)
  • Case Study Analysis (Cameron Thies, Arizona State University)
  • Discourse and Visual Analysis I & Dicourse and Visual Analysis II (Terrell Carver, University of Bristol)
  • Experimental Methods (Jason Barabas and Jennifer Jerit, Stoney Brook University)
  • Network Analysis I & Network Analysis II (Adam Henry, University of Arizona)
  • Qualitative Data Analysis I & Qualitative Data Analysis II (Marie-Hélène Paré, Open University of Catalonia)
  • Quantitative Public Policy Analysis I & Quantitative Public Policy Analysis II (Bruno Cautres, Science Po Paris)
  • Quantitative Text Analysis I & Quantitative Text Analysis II (Dani Madrid-Morales, University of Houston)
  • Regression Analysis (Katsunori Seki, University of Tsukuba, and Guy Whitten, Texas A&M University)
  • Causal Mediation Analysis (Andrew Li, Central European University)
  • Panel Data Analysis (Andrew Li, Central European University)

Methods School participants also had the opportunity to attend the IPSA-NUS International Speaker Series, info sessions on academic writing and publishing, grant applications and the academic job market, etc. as well as to participate in a wide variety of social activities.

For more information about the Methods School, please visit the website or contact methods-school@nus.edu.sg.

Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MethodsSchool

Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MethodsSchool


7th Annual IPSA-NUS Summer School for Social Science Research Methods
June 25-July 6, 2018
National University of Singapore

The 7th Annual IPSA-NUS Summer School for Social Science Research Methods was held in Singapore, June 25-July 6, 2018. Organized by the National University of Singapore’s Department of Political Science in cooperation with the International Political Science Association, the Methods School is recognized as the leading program for basic and advanced methods training in the Asia-Pacific and brings together participants from all over the region as well as Africa, Europe, and North America. 

This year’s Methods School was attended by 166 graduate students, faculty members, and professionals, who took up to four quantitative and qualitative methods courses. All courses provided participants with rigorous, hands-on training in state-of-the-art research methods and were taught by highly experienced international faculty.

The following one- and two-week Methods School courses were offered in 2018:

Methods School participants also had the opportunity to attend the IPSA-NUS International Speaker Series, various info sessions on such topics as academic writing and publishing and applying for academic positions and grants, as well as to participate in a number of social activities.

For more information on the various Methods School courses and instructors, financial aid, registration discounts, and more, visit our website or contact us at methods-school@nus.edu.sg.

Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/MethodsSchool

Follow us on Twitter: @MethodsSchool


6th Annual IPSA-NUS Summer School for Social Science Research Methods
June 19-30, 2017
National University of Singapore

The 6th Annual IPSA-NUS Summer School for Social Science Research Methods, organized by the National University of Singapore’s Department of Political Science in cooperation with the International Political Science Association, was held in June 2017. With more than 200 participants from all over Asia, Europe, Australia, and the U.S., it was the largest Methods School to date. It was attended by graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, and faculty members from all social science disciplines as well as civil servants and professionals from a wide range of NGOs and industries, incl. consulting, education, health care, and transportation.

The Methods School offered 19 quantitative, qualitative, mixed, and formal methods courses, all taught by highly experienced international faculty and provides participants with rigorous, hands-on training in state-of-the-art research methods:

Participants had once again the opportunity to attend various information sessions on such topics as academic writing and publishing and applying for graduate school, grants, and fellowships as well as four IPSA-NUS International Speaker Series talks.

This year’s record attendance further strengthened the Methods School’s extensive alumni network, and it laid the foundation for many successful years to come.

For more information on the Methods School, visit our  website or contact us at methods-school@nus.edu.sg.

Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/MethodsSchool

Follow us on Twitter: @MethodsSchool

Singapore 2016

5th Annual IPSA-NUS Summer School for Social Science Research Methods
July 4-15, 2016
National University of Singapore

The 5th Annual IPSA-NUS Summer School for Social Science Research Methods was held in July 2016. Organized by the National University of Singapore’s Department of Political Science, it was among the most successful IPSA methods schools to date. 200 graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, and faculty members from all of the social sciences and several adjacent disciplines as well as civil servants, and professionals from NGOs and industries such as consulting, education, health care, and transportation attended a wide range of courses, all taught by highly experienced international faculty and provides participants with rigorous, hands-on training in state-of-the-art research methods.

The Methods School offered 14 quantitative, qualitative, mixed, and formal methods courses:

Participants had once again the opportunity to attend various information sessions on such topics as academic writing and publishing and applying for graduate schools, grants, and fellowships as well as four IPSA-NUS International Speaker Series talks.

The 2016 record attendance further strengthened the Methods School’s extensive alumni network, and it laid the foundation for further expansion and successful growth in the years to come.

For more information on the Methods School, visit our website or contact us.

Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/methodsschool

Follow us on Twitter: @MethodsSchool

Annual IPSA-NUS Summer School

4th Annual IPSA-NUS Summer School for Social Science Research Methods
June 8-19, 2015
National University of Singapore

The 4th Annual IPSA-NUS Summer School for Social Science Research Methods was held in Singapore in June 2015. Organized by the at the National University of Singapore’s Department of Political Science in cooperative with the International Political Science Association, the Methods School welcomed almost 150 participants from a wide variety of countries, among them Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Poland, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and the U.S.

The Methods School offered nine courses in quantitative and qualitative methods:

  • Applied Data Analysis (Tobias Hofmann, University of Utah)
  • Bayesian Analysis (Simon Jackman, Stanford University)
  • Case Study Analysis (Cameron Thies, Arizona State University)
  • Discourse and Visual Analysis (Terrell Carver, University of Bristol)
  • Mixed Methods (Max Bergman, University of Basel)
  • Modern Regression Analysis (Guy Whitten, Texas A&M University)
  • Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) (Dirk Berg-Schlosser, Philipps University of Marburg)
  • Quantitative Text Analysis (Iñaki Sagarzazu, University of Glasgow)
  • Survey Methods (Bruno Cautrès, Science Po Paris)

Participants had once again the opportunity to attend various information sessions on such topics as academic writing and publishing and applying for graduate school, grants, and fellowships as well as five IPSA-NUS International Speaker Series talks.

The Methods School has become a permanent, first-tier fixture on the international methods training calendar, and with its strong international alumni network of scholars and professionals that share a joint interest in research methods, it has built the foundations to further expand and successfully grow in the many years to come.

For more information on the Methods School, visit our website or contact us at methods-school@nus.edu.sg.

Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/methodsschool

Follow us on Twitter:@MethodsSchool

Singapore 2014

3rd Annual IPSA-NUS Summer School for Social Science Research Methods
June 30-July 11, 2014
National University of Singapore

The 3rd Annual IPSA-NUS Summer School for Social Science Research Methods took place in Singapore in July 2014. It was hosted by the National University of Singapore's Department of Political Science.

The IPSA-NUS Methods School offered rigorous training in a wide variety of social science research methods. Once again it attraced more than 100 participants from around the world from countries including Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Croatia, Denmark, England, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea, Mexico, and Spain. Participants were able to choose between nine courses. A good indication of the popularity of the event is that most of the instructors had already taught in Singapore at least once and were very pleased to be able to return:

  • Applied Data Analysis (Tobias Hofmann, University of Utah)
  • Discourse and Visual Analysis (Terrell Carver, University of Bristol)
  • Mixed Methods (Max Bergman, University of Basel)
  • Quantitative Text Analysis (Inaki Sagarzazu, Glasgow University)
  • Case Study Analysis (Cameron Thies, Arizona State University)
  • Experimental Methods (Rebecca Morton, New York University)
  • Qualitative Comparative Analysis (Dirk Berg-Schlosser, Philipps University of Marburg)
  • Regression Analysis (Guy Whitten, Texas A&M University)
  • Survey Methods (Bruno Cautrès, Sciences-Po, Paris)

The participants and instructors met each morning in the seminar room, and the afternoons were reserved for lab sessions and hands-on exercises. In addition to the regular class meetings, the Methods School organized an international speakers series on topics including 'The Politics of Singapore', 'Geography, Territory and War', 'What Can Weak Parties Say?', and 'Emerging Powers, Identity and Conflict Behaviour'. The Methods school also provides talks on issues to do with professionalization such as 'Writing and Publishing Academic Journal Articles' and 'Applying for VIsiting Scholar Positions and Postdocs.' Last but not least it offers a packed social programme including a walking tour of the historic Chinatown district and a night safari at Singapore zoo!

The Methods School was a huge success and is now probably the leading training program for social science research methods in the Asia-Pacific. It provides participants with an excellent learning experience and its growing network of alumni is creating a global pool of students, post-doctoral fellows, university faculty, civil servants, and private sector researchers with an interest in advanced quantitative, qualitative, and formal research methods.

Singapore 2013

IPSA-NUS 2nd Summer School for Social Science Research Methods 2013
July 8, 2013 - July 19, 2013
National University of Singapore

The 2nd Annual IPSA-NUS Summer School for Social Science Research Methods took place in Singapore in July 2013. It was hosted by the National University of Singapore's Department of Political Science.

The IPSA-NUS Methods School offered rigorous training in a wide variety of social science research methods. The more than 100 participants from all over the Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the U.S. were able to choose between nine courses:

  • Applied Data Analysis (Tobias Hofmann, University of Utah)
  • Constructing an Intersubjective National Identity Data Base (Bentley Allan, Johns Hopkins University, and Ted Hopf, National University of Singapore)
  • Discourse and Visual Analysis (Terrell Carver, University of Bristol)
  • Experimental Methods (Rebecca Morton, New York University)
  • Game Theory (Peter Rosendorff, New York University)
  • Interviews and Survey Design (Max Bergman, University of Basel)
  • Qualitative Comparative Analysis (Dirk Berg-Schlosser, Philipps University of Marburg)
  • Regression Analysis (Guy Whitten, Texas A&M University)
  • Survey Data Analysis (Bruno Cautrès, Sciences-Po, Paris)

The participants and instructors met each morning in the seminar room, and the afternoons were reserved for lab sessions and hands-on exercises. In addition to the regular class meetings, the Methods School organized evening talks and info sessions on topics like the Politics of Singapore, Analyzing Complex Processes, and Publishing Academic Books and Journal Articles as well as a number of social activities and events.

The Methods School was a huge success and has established itself as the leading training program for social science research methods in the Asia-Pacific. It did not only provide participants with an excellent learning experience, but invaluable opportunities to build and develop a global network of students, post-doctoral fellows, university faculty, civil servants, and private sector researchers with an interest in advanced quantitative, qualitative, and formal research methods.

Singapore 2012

IPSA-NUS Summer School for Social Science Research Methods 2012
June 25, 2012 - July 6, 2012
National University of Singapore

The 1st Annual IPSA-NUS Summer School for Social Science Research Methods took place in Singapore in June and July 2012. It was hosted by the National University of Singapore’s Department of Political Science.

The first program of its kind in Asia, the IPSA-NUS Methods Summer School offered rigorous training in social science research methods by outstanding and highly experienced international faculty. The participants – students, post-doctoral fellows, and junior faculty – from all over the Asia-Pacific region, Europe, and the U.S. were able to choose between four courses:

  • Modern Regression Analysis (Prof. Guy D. Whitten, Texas A&M University)
  • Experimental Methods (Prof. Rebecca B. Morton, New York University)
  • Case Study Methods (Prof. Derek Beach, University of Aarhus)
  • Mixed Method Designs (Prof. Katrin Niglas, Tallinn University)

The participants and instructors met each morning in the seminar room, and the afternoons were reserved for lab sessions and hands-on exercises. In addition to the regular class meetings, the Summer School organized evening talks and info sessions on topics like The Politics of Singapore, Global Repercussions of the Euro Crisis, and Publishing Academic Books and Journal Articles as well as a number of social activities and events.

The Summer School was a huge success. Not only did it provide participants with an excellent learning experience, but participants and instructors were unanimous in their praise for the organization of the Summer School and the opportunities it provided for building a wider and stronger network of scholars with an interest in advances research methods in Asia and beyond.

For more information about the Summer School in 2012 or to learn about future opportunities for methods training in Singapore, please contact the IPSA-NUS Summer School for Social Science Research Methods coordinators at:

IPSA-NUS Methods Summer School
National University of Singapore
AS1, #04-10, 11 Arts Link
Singapore 117573

Visit our website.