Special Issue: The Brexit effect: Political implications of the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union
The Brexit effect: Political implications of the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union
Gianfranco Baldini and Nicola Chelotti
Back to the Westminster model? The Brexit process and the UK political system
Gianfranco Baldini, Edoardo Bressanelli and Emanuele Massetti
Brexit and party change: The Conservatives and Labour at Westminster
Richard Hayton
Brexit and the future of the UK constitution
Stuart White
Brexit and the union: Territorial voice, exit and re-entry strategies in Scotland and Northern Ireland after EU exit
Nicola McEwen and Mary C Murphy
Rule maker or rule taker? Brexit, finance and UK regulatory autonomy
Scott James and Lucia Quaglia
When politics trumps strategy: UK–EU security collaboration after Brexit
Benjamin Martill and Monika Sus
Agenda dynamics and policy priorities in military regimes
T Murat Yildirim, Alper T Bulut and Emel Ilter
Are smart sanctions smart enough? An inquiry into when leaders oppress civilians under UN targeted sanctions
Jiyoun Park and Hyun Jin Choi
Dynastic rule in Syria and North Korea: Nepotism, succession, and sibling rivalry
Douglas A Yates
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