Statistics, Politics and Policy

Statistics, Politics and Policy

Research on the Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) Pandemic/2021/1-2

De Gruyter

Deadline: Sun, 31 Jan 2021


Journal/Call for Papers Description

In recent history no other event had such a serious impact on our lives as the COVID-19 pandemic. The effects can be seen in a wide variety of areas such as health and health policies, labour market policies, public finances, international cooperation, the attitude of the population towards government, and in the substantive change in the behaviour of citizens. The need for research on the COVID-19 pandemic is therefore enormous.

SPP would like to contribute to the analysis of this crisis, in respect to its domain of statistical analyses, of policy analyses and of the thereby connected consideration for politics. This Call for Papers invites authors to submit a wide range of analyses and papers on the Coronavirus Pandemic. We enforce no further restrictions in terms of research focus. The contributions might cover the entire range of topics situated in the social sciences. The editors would be particularly pleased to receive contributions on the implementation of various governmental measures during the crisis. Other topics could include international comparisons of government policy measures, statistical analyses of the course of disease and the responsiveness of health policies are also of great interest. Other possible topics could be:

  • How quickly and how effectively have governments responded to COVID-19?
  • How strong is the confidence in government measures?
  • What measures have been applied to prepare health systems for the COVID 19 pandemic?
  • How well did health systems cope with the impact of the pandemic?
  • How can the variance in the restriction of civil liberties be explained in an international comparison?
  • Are measurements like excess mortality or confirmed cases a valid measure to capture the COVID-19 pandemic?

These are just a few examples of the many different topics and questions that might arise in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic and are welcome in our upcoming issues.
SPP reacts to this global crisis by reserving the first two issues of 2021 for this topic.

Submissions are due on 31 January 2021.

All manuscripts should be submitted to our official SPP ScholarOne online center: and should have appropriate formatting to be considered ready for peer-reviewing.

For author guidelines and further information on Statistics, Politics and Policy visit the website:

You may also contact the Editor-in-Chief Uwe Wagschal ( with questions. Manuscripts will be subject to a double-blind peer-review process. Accepted papers will be published in Statistics, Politics and Policy in two volumes in the first half of 2021.