GS10 Latin American Politics

Session Code
Session Chairs
Dr. Daniel Buquet
Dr. Mariana Llanos
Dr. Martín D'Alessandro

This General Session welcomes proposals for complete panels and individual papers on Latin American politics, in any dimension. Proposals should refer to any aspect of the politics (government, theory, foreign policy, political economy, political campaigns, elections, social protests, etc.) of any of the Latin American countries, or provide a cross-national comparison of regional politics, in any dimension. For this General Session, we would like to encourage both Latin American colleagues engaged in scholarly research on the region and Latin Americanist scholars from any country to take this opportunity to delve more deeply into their own research interests, discussing them with regional political scientists. Please note that all general sessions of the World Congress will be held in the official languages of IPSA, namely English and/or French. Colleagues who would like to deliver their papers in Spanish can do so within the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) Sessions.