Ciências Sociais Unisinos

Ciências Sociais Unisinos

In Search of Rights: social movements, judicial institutions and public policies/56 /3

Publication date: Sep 2020

Deadline: Thu, 20 Aug 2020

Web Link

Journal/Call for Papers Description

The global expansion of the judiciary and access to justice has highlighted institutions of the justice system that focus on defending social rights. Realizing the judicial path as an important way in the search for access to health rights, education, social assistance, among others, social movements began to equip themselves legally to work with judicial institutions. Judicial and also extrajudicial appeals, without the so-called judicialization, are increasingly frequent. The proposed Dossier aims to present the debate on the effects of interaction between social movements, judicial institutions and public policies, theoretically and empirically discussing questions about how social movements mobilize law and judicial institutions to claim and guarantee access to rights? How does this interaction impact the production of public policies? How do mobilizations through judicial institutions affect the different stages of public policy? What are the new governance standards installed from these interactions? And, on the other hand, what are the effects of the use of judicial strategy on social movements?