Special Issue: Building Better Elections: Electoral Management and Electoral Integrity
Guest editors: Toby S James, Holly Ann Garnett, Leontine Loeber and Carolien van Ham
Editorial Introduction
Electoral management and the organisational determinants of electoral integrity: Introduction
Toby S James, Holly Ann Garnett, Leontine Loeber and Carolien van Ham
Special Issue Articles
Building impartial electoral management? Institutional design, independence and electoral integrity
Carolien van Ham and Holly Ann Garnett
Evaluating electoral management body capacity
Holly Ann Garnett
The cost of democracy: The determinants of spending on the public administration of elections
Alistair Clark
Better workers, better elections? Electoral management body workforces and electoral integrity worldwide
Toby S. James
Conclusions: The new research agenda on electoral management
Pippa Norris
The legacy of military dictatorship: Explaining violent crime in democracies
Erica Frantz
Accountability through government alternation: Economic performance and the conditional role of political institutions in fifty countries, 1990–2015
Alessandro Pellegata and Mario Quaranta
Explaining disappearances as a tool of political terror
Paloma Aguilar and Iosif Kovras