Winter School on Federalism and Governance 2023
Mon, 06 Feb 2023 - Fri, 17 Feb 2023
Contact: winterschool@eurac.edu
During the two-week training program, participants will analyze the relation between multilevel systems and the principle of equality. One aspect will center on the exploration of constitutional provisions with regard to equality and the discussion of symmetric and asymmetric federalism. Furthermore, participants will examine the impact of territorial diversities and the representation of subnational units in multilevel systems.
The program will also review how multilevel arrangements might stimulate or limit individual, groups and territorial equality and provide amongst others, insights into indigenous rights and minorities in multilevel systems, as well as on the topic of segregation and desegregation in the USA. One day will be dedicated to the role of autonomous regions in Italy and the case of South Tyrol. The relation between federalism and equality is also to be discussed with regard to emerging and mature federations as well as “coming-together”-federations. The 2023 Winter School will offer in-depth sessions on (in)equalities in relation to economy, social issues, environments, and institutions.
Besides numerous opportunities for discussion with leading experts on multilevel governance throughout the lectures, a variety of interactive sessions will offer participants the chance to share their knowledge and experience. Lectures, workshops, Q&A’s sessions, and a round table will take into account multilevel systems from different continents.
The Winter School will examine a series of issues:
- Does the principle of equality as a fundamental right stand in the way of federalism?
- Which conditions impact federalism as an obstacle to the enjoyment of equality or a means to achieve more equality?
- How do federal constitutions treat the topic of equality?
- To what extent is territorial diversity possible and desirable?
- What is the value of the principle of equality in territorially asymmetric states and the representation of subnational units at federal level?
- What do institutional, economic, cultural and other asymmetries reveal about equality?
- How significant are issues of equality in federal systems from different continents?
- Is there a difference in understanding equality in emerging, mature, coming-together or holding-together federations?
- What do equality claims mean for indigenous and minority rights?
- What impact does equality have on economy, social issues, and the environment?
The 2023 Winter School examines these and other questions by combining theoretical expertise and relevant case studies. As such, the program is a unique opportunity for young academics, postgraduate students, civil servants and practitioners to receive enhanced training on the theoretical and practical aspects of federalism and multilevel governance.
DATES AND VENUES: 6 February - 17 February 2023
The first week takes place at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Social and Political
Sciences, Leopold-Franzens-Universität in Innsbruck, Austria. The second week takes place
at the Institute for Comparative Federalism, Eurac Research in Bolzano/Bozen, Italy.
Application deadline: 16 October 2022
For further information, a detailed programme, enrolment procedure, costs and scholarship
opportunities, please visit: winterschool.eurac.edu