Social Justice and Rule of Law: Addresing The Growth of a Pluralist Indonesia Democracy

Social Justice and Rule of Law: Addresing The Growth of a Pluralist Indonesia Democracy

Edited by : Thomas J Conners

Release date: Jan 2011

Diponegoro Publisher

Nombre de pages: 514

ISBN: 978-979-1837-58-3

Indonesia in the 21st century faces tremendous opportunities as well challenges.Having made significant progress in its transition to a genuinely democratic system in the past 13 years, this fourth populous country in the world, Indonesia must continue to address its great diversity, avoiding the many pitfalls that lay ahead. Social justice and the rule of law are critical issues that demand the attention of policymakers and intellectuals, all those with an interest in building a prosperous and confident nation ready to take its place as an important power in the world. The 3rd Yale Indonesia Forum Conference, held in Diponegoro University, July 2010, addressed a variety of critical issues and points of contention related to social justice and the rule of law. This book is the result of the efforts of all participants and contributors,critiquing past errors and pointing optimistically to the future. This collection of papers demonstrates that cooperation and critical engagement between citizens and the democratically elected governmental structures of Indonesia are necessary to address the future challenges of social justice and the rule of law.