Capitalising on Constraint - Bailout Politics in Eurozone Countries

Capitalising on Constraint - Bailout Politics in Eurozone Countries

Par : Catherine Moury,
Stella Ladi,
Daniel Cardoso,
and Angie Gago

Release date: Oct 2021

Manchester University Press

Nombre de pages: 216

ISBN: 978-1-5261-4988-6

More About this Book

This book explores the constraints and opportunities of the adjustment programs in the five bailed out Eurozone countries, in the period during and beyond the crisis (2007-2019). It shows that bailed out governments had room for manoeuvre and, under certain circumstances, were able to exploit the constraint of conditionality to their own advantage. It additionally demonstrates that after a bail-out programme governments use their discretion to revert the measures which bring the greatest benefits at a lower cost.