IPSR - Volume 44, Number 4, September 2023

Original Research Articles

Should we conduct correspondence study field experiments with political elites?
Thomas Zittel, Tom Louwerse, Helene Helboe Pedersen and Wouter Schakel

Free market capitalism and societal inequities: Assessing the effects of economic freedom on income inequality and the equity of access to opportunity, 1990–2017
Indra de Soysa and Krishna Chaitanya Vadlamannati

Populist radical right-wing parties and the assault on political correctness: The impact of Vox in Spain
Carol Galais and Juan Pérez-Rajó

Direct democracy and equality: A global perspective 
Anna Krämling, Brigitte Geißel, Jonathan R. Rinne and Lars Paulus

Conservatism, social isolation and political context: Why East Europeans would leave the EU in Exit referendums
Sergiu Gherghina and Paul Tap

The rise of research on independence referendums 
Jean-Baptiste Harguindéguy, Enrique Sánchez Sánchez,Almudena Sánchez Sánchez and Alistair Cole

Femisocial capital: Homophily and bill sponsorship by South Korean female legislators
Jiun Bang

Politics and corona lockdown regulations in 35 highly advanced democracies: The first wave
Detlef Jahn

Psychological foundations and behavioral consequences of COVID-19 conspiracy theory beliefs: The Turkish case
Cengiz Erisen