Daniel Buquet (Uruguay), Vice President - External Relations

Daniel Buquet

Daniel Buquet Corleto has a doctorate degree at the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO-México). He is currently professor and researcher in political science at the Instituto de Ciencia Política of the Universidad de la República in Uruguay and he has been invited to teach at different institutions in Latin America and Spain. His main academic focus is electoral systems and party politics in Latin America, and he acted as consultant to diverse public and international agencies. He is co-author of the book “Fragmentación Política y Gobierno en Uruguay: ¿Un Enfermo Imaginario?”, editor of books on Uruguayan electoral processes, and has published several journal articles and book chapters in Uruguay and abroad. He is currently categorized as researcher level II by the National Agency of Research and Innovation of the Uruguayan government. He was the first president of the Uruguayan Political Science Association (AUCiP) and a member of the Executive Committee of the Latin American Association of Political Science (ALACIP).

Curriculum vitae (spanish) (pdf, 221 kb)