Transboundary Water Conflict: Global Resilient Practices And Policy Initiatives

Transboundary Water Conflict: Global Resilient Practices And Policy Initiatives

Expected publication date: May 2025

Francis and Taylor Group

Deadline: Mon, 20 May 2024

Book/Call for Chapters Description

Briefly, we are focused on crafting a volume that will provide a comprehensive picture of the biophysical, socioeconomic and geopolitical data, history-based indicators for future tensions, identification of basins at risk, water and energy distribution characteristics, demand features of different countries, causes of failure in river basin management and disputes and cooperation practices Today, the water crisis is increasingly a global issue. The assetisation of water, coupled with environment-induced inequities has been sharpening divides along many borders including in the South, West and Central Asia, parts of Africa, and South America. In the not-too-distant future, water could be a major factor in influencing our geopolitical and geoeconomics decisions. One of the critical objectives of this volume would be to highlight that water-resource degradation and depletion constitutes first and foremost a humanitarian crisis. Water indeed is the common denominator in the health, development, and environmental challenges facing the world. This volume will examine the transboundary water resources conflict resolution mechanisms, the key considerations of which will be: data collection and information sharing among riparian countries. ensuring that data and information are readily available and accurate which is crucial to manage water-related disasters at a scale ranging from local to national and to transboundary levels.

Please send your 500 words Abstract with a 50 words bio-sketch including institutional affiliation and the Title of the paper to with cc to director@wpc, & to on or before 20 May, 2024.